On February 3, 2024, a joint information session for recruiting Katori City public transportation crew members is scheduled to be held at the event space on the first floor of Kompas.
The shortage of bus and taxi drivers is an important issue in Katori City, and a joint information session will be held jointly with Hello Work Sawara to address the shortage of crew members.
Participation is free of charge, and you can come and go as you please, no resume is required, and no advance reservations are necessary.
The format of the information session is that recruiters from transportation companies operating buses or taxies in the city will provide individual consultation.
The format is designed to be easy to participate in, so those interested are encouraged to attend.
On the same day, Mr. Takatoshi Tamekuni, Representative Director of NPO Machizukuri Support Center, is scheduled to give a lecture on the theme of “Regional Public Transportation and Community Development: Why don’t you think about ‘mobility’?https://www.city.katori.lg.jp/living/kotsu_doro/kokyo_kotsu/bus/bus_news/kotsu-seminar.html
The event will be held at 1:30 p.m. at Onogawa Hall on the 4th floor of Kompas and is free of charge.