


The 2024 Sawara Grand Autumn Festival will be held from October 11 to 13.
Good evening, everyone. This is Yuta Kato, a member of the Katori City Council.
The 2024 Sawara Grand Autumn Festival is scheduled to take place over three days from Friday, October 11 to Sunday, October 13.
During the 2024 Sawara Grand Autumn Festival, the floats will be paraded around different town areas, following courses set by each neighborhood over the three-day period.
If you want to know the current location of the floats, you can use the Sawara Festival Digital Map.

Please note that there will be significant traffic restrictions during the festival.
I am concerned about the weather during the three days of the festival, but the Sawara Grand Autumn Festival will still be held even if it rains.
In case of rain, plastic sheets will be placed over the figures on the floats, but you will still be able to experience the powerful presence of the float parades.
That being said, I hope we have good weather throughout the three days.
I’m really looking forward to the Sawara Grand Autumn Festival!