千葉県庁で記者会見を開き、新たな挑戦への決意を表明しました 来たる決戦へ向けて

かとう裕太の新たな挑戦への決意表明記者会見202502041 かとう裕太























On February 4, 2025, I held a press conference in the press conference room adjacent to the Prefectural Government Press Room on the 5th floor of the Chiba Prefectural Office. There, I announced my determination to take on a new challenge in the upcoming decisive battle.

I shared my thoughts on the Katori region and Chiba Prefecture, my past activities, and my future policies.

Thank you to everyone who listened.

The flow of the press conference began with my declaration of commitment to this new challenge, followed by a Q&A session where I responded to various questions from the press.

The questions covered a wide range of topics, including my future direction, evaluation of Governor Kumagai’s administration, the ordinance I personally drafted in Katori City promoting local toasts, my upcoming policies, Yusuke Kato, who appears with me in my campaign poster, my strengths, investigations into misconduct during general inquiries, Yachiyo Shoin High School’s baseball team, my university entrance exams, and my high school commute—so many sharp and insightful questions that I cannot list them all.

I faced each question head-on and provided my responses.

This was my first-ever press conference, and thanks to the questions from the journalists, I was able to share a lot. Personally, I found it to be a highly fulfilling experience.

The questions from professionals are indeed very insightful and educational.

I am truly grateful for this valuable opportunity.

Moving forward, I will continue my activities diligently, reporting the results through the Kato Yuta Newsletter and social media. I will also incorporate the feedback I receive into my actions. I hope you will keep an eye on my new challenge and ongoing activities.
