
- かとう裕太新聞第34号かとう裕太と語る会ミニ集会報告号
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- かとう裕太と語る会質疑応答のご報告
- 大好評!連続開催中! 2025年「ミニ集会」開催のお知らせ!
- Kato Yuta Newspaper Issue No. 34 – Mini Gathering Report
- Contents of Kato Yuta Newspaper Issue No. 34
- Kato Yuta Profile
- Q&A from the Mini Gatherings
- Kato Yuta’s Two-Term, Six-Year Activities
- Announcing the 2025 “Mini Gatherings” – Ongoing and Popular!
大好評!連続開催中! 2025年「ミニ集会」開催のお知らせ!
日付 | 時間 | 会場 |
2月15日(土) | 10:30~11:30 | 神崎ふれあいプラザ 視聴覚室(神崎町神崎本宿96番地) |
2月16日(日) | 10:30~11:30 | 栗源市民センター 視聴覚室(香取市岩部700番地) |
2月22日(土) | 13:30~14:30 | 山田公民館 講義室(香取市長岡1303-2) |
2月23日(日) | 13:30~14:30 | 多古町コミュニティプラザ 会議室(多古町多古2855) |
3月1日(土) | 10:30~11:30 | 小見川市民センター 301研修室(香取市羽根川138番地) |
3月2日(日) | 17:30~18:30 | みんなの賑わい交流拠点コンパス メディアスペース(香取市佐原1343-3) |
Kato Yuta Newspaper Issue No. 34 – Mini Gathering Report Issue Completed!
Kato Yuta Newspaper Issue No. 34 – Mini Gathering Report
With this report on the latest “Kato Yuta Talk Session” mini gatherings, the cumulative circulation of the Kato Yuta Newspaper has exceeded 850,000 copies.
For approximately six years since my first election, I have worked as a city council member and have diligently reported my activities.
I will continue to build upon my efforts step by step and provide ongoing reports.
Kato Yuta Newspaper Issue No. 34 – Mini Gathering Report is scheduled to be included in the newspaper on February 9, 2025.
I would be grateful if you could pick it up and read it.
You can view all past issues of the Kato Yuta Newspaper here: https://yutakato.jp/yutakato-news.html
Contents of Kato Yuta Newspaper Issue No. 34
With the arrival of Risshun (the first day of spring in the Japanese calendar), although it is technically spring, the cold mornings at train stations remain harsh. Please take care of your health and stay warm.
From December last year to January this year, we held “Kato Yuta Talk Sessions” mini gatherings in Katori City, Tako Town, and Kozaki Town. After introducing myself, sharing past initiatives, and discussing future policies, we received many opinions and questions from attendees, which I answered carefully one by one. I am sincerely grateful for the opportunity to engage directly with the voices of the community.
The opinions shared will be conveyed to the government and utilized for regional development. I will also continue to report on my activities through the Kato Yuta Newspaper, which has surpassed a cumulative circulation of 800,000 copies, as well as via social media and my blog. Through these platforms, I will ensure that your opinions help shape my future activities. We will continue to hold “Kato Yuta Talk Sessions,” so please feel free to participate. I appreciate your continued support and guidance.
Katori City Council Member – Kato Yuta
Kato Yuta Profile
- Born in May 1987 in Sawara, Katori City
- Education: Sawara Elementary School, Sawara Junior High School, Yachiyo Shoin High School (Baseball Club), Keio University (Faculty of Law, Political Science Department), Kyoto University Graduate School of Law (Legal Training Program)
- Career:
- 2010: Joined Cosmo Oil Co., Ltd.
- 2012: Joined Kato Tile Co., Ltd.
- 2018: Established Kato Yuta Administrative Scrivener Office and was elected to Katori City Council as the youngest council member
- 2022: Re-elected as the youngest council member
- 2024: Took paternity leave as the first in Katori City Council history following the birth of his second child
- Certifications: Administrative Scrivener, Real Estate Agent, Basic IT Engineer, Domestic Travel Service Supervisor
- Hobbies: Baseball, Haiku, Traveling
Q&A from the Mini Gatherings
Employment, Economy, and Corporate Attraction
Question (Male, 60s): “Many young people raised in this region leave for other areas. I believe the reason is the lack of job opportunities for them here. If more workplaces were available, the situation might change. What are your thoughts?”
Kato Yuta: “The fact that young people leave and do not return to the Katori area is a significant issue for the region. I personally left for high school, university, and graduate school, spending time in Yachiyo, Tokyo, and Kyoto. However, I believe creating a city where people want to return is essential.
To achieve this, we must increase job opportunities. This includes attracting companies to the area and supporting small businesses and entrepreneurs to create local employment. If the ongoing expansion of Narita Airport’s functions proceeds successfully, it will generate employment and attract companies to the surrounding areas, leading to population growth and community development. I aim to implement policies that ensure Katori benefits from these positive effects.”
Question (Male, 40s): “I am involved in agriculture, but farmland consolidation is not progressing as needed. Many younger farmers in their 30s and 40s want to expand their scale, but they struggle to secure sufficient land. How do you view this issue?”
Kato Yuta: “Farmland consolidation must progress further; otherwise, it would be a wasted opportunity. Expanding farm operations improves efficiency and profitability. Additionally, the adoption of drones and automated farming technology would become easier, addressing labor shortages and accelerating data utilization. I am committed to promoting farmland consolidation for the sustainable development of agriculture in this region.”
Childcare Support
Question (Male, 30s): “What childcare support initiatives have you undertaken so far?”
Kato Yuta: “As a father of two, I have worked to reduce the burden on child-rearing families through council sessions. Specific efforts include partial free school meals and maintaining municipal subsidies for infertility treatment, despite the national insurance coverage changes. Additionally, we created new spaces at ‘Ikiki Hiroba’ within Compass, allowing infants aged 0-2 to stay, addressing concerns from parents who wanted a shared play area for siblings. I will continue to enhance childcare support based on firsthand experience.”
Kato Yuta’s Two-Term, Six-Year Activities
Question (Male, 40s-50s):
“You have been serving as a Katori City Council member for six years. How far do you think you have come in achieving your goals? Could you also share your sense of progress, like which stage of completion you feel you are at?”
Kato Yuta:
“I feel like I am about halfway there, at around the fifth stage. Over the past six years, I have been able to accomplish many things. Many of the initiatives I set out to achieve have taken shape, but as I continue my activities, I constantly discover new challenges and goals I want to tackle.
In particular, I believe there are many issues that need to be addressed with a broader perspective beyond just the city. I am committed to facing these challenges head-on and striving to reach even greater heights.”
Announcing the 2025 “Mini Gatherings” – Ongoing and Popular!
Join Kato Yuta to discuss issues in Katori and the future of our region. We look forward to your participation!
Date | Time | Venue |
Feb 15 (Sat) | 10:30-11:30 | Kouzaki Fureai Plaza, Audiovisual Room (Kanzaki-cho, Kanzaki Honjuku 96) |
Feb 16 (Sun) | 10:30-11:30 | Kurimoto Citizen Center, Audiovisual Room (Katori City, Iwabe 700) |
Feb 22 (Sat) | 13:30-14:30 | Yamada Community Hall, Lecture Room (Katori City, Nagaoka 1303-2) |
Feb 23 (Sun) | 13:30-14:30 | Tako Town Community Plaza, Conference Room (Tako Town, Tako 2855) |
Mar 1 (Sat) | 10:30-11:30 | Omigawa Citizen Center, 301 Training Room (Katori City, Hanekawa 138) |
Mar 2 (Sun) | 17:30-18:30 | Minna no Nigiwai Exchange Hub Kompass, Media Space (Katori City, Sawara 1343-3) |
Please feel free to join us!